Sunday, October 16, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Idiot Siblings For Sale, Anyone?

Is anyone willing to purchase an annoying sibling off of me? Someone? Anyone? -.-; 

I am currently so pissed off at my idiot of a brother. I own exactly 2 bottles of handsoap, both purchased by me. My brother took one and accidentally dropped it, causing the bottle to crack and soap to leak out everywhere. But that's not why I'm pissed. I'm pissed because he then, wondering why it cracked so easily, took the OTHER bottle and threw it against the ground, too! DDD< Now I have no soap.

...Not that anyone is likely to care. ^ ^; Just felt like posting this, to vent. 

Erm...yeah. You can continue whatever you were doing prior to reading this, which was probably at least 10 times more productive than what I'm doing right now. xD

Friday, July 15, 2011

Aiber & Wedy--Unfair?

I just had to researching Aiber for something in The Contest Of Deep Dark Secrets. To be honest, I thought that Aiber (& Wedy) were pretty cool characters. What do you guys think of them?
Do any of you think that Aiber and Wedy would have made a good couple?
Who feels that what Light did to them (killing them) was completely unfair?

Totally random post. But I kinda wanted to try out the new "automatic blog post" feature that I installed that allows you to post an entry just by clicking on something in the toolbar. =w=

~Ratt Kazamata

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Death Note Quiz I Stole Off Of oOxCreativexOo's Profile

Death Note Survey:
1. Who is your favorite Death Note character(s)?
L and Matsuda for major characters. For minor characters, Naomi Misora and Beyond Birthday.

2. What is your favorite pairing(s)?
Either MattxMello or BeyondxNaomi.
3. Are you a Death Note Yaoi fan?
Depends on the pairing.

4. Ever cosplayed Death Note characters? If so, who, where and how many times?
Yes, I’ve cosplayed as L (a very fail cosplay). Once.
5. List your collection of Death Note junk and merchandise, if any:
The novels. A Death Note notebook.

6. Have you ever felt that you were destined to be with a Death Note character?
Erm…no…not really lol. I’ve never been one to fantasize about being with characters…usually I just fantasize about the characters being with other characters. =]

7. Near/Matt or Mello/Near?
Neither! MattxMello all the way!

8. Light/Misa or L/Misa?
Although I believe that L is asexual, I think LxMisa might be cute. :3

9. Did you think Matt's death was fair?
No way! D:

10. Why did you think Mello helped Near in the end?
I don’t have a smart answer for this? .-.
11. Do you support Kira's theory in making the world better by using the Death Note and killing off the bad people?
In some instances.
12. Your favorite Wammy kid?
Beyond! Or Near!

13. Are you Pro-Kira or Anti-Kira?
Neutral. I’d consider myself just an observer. Though I was freaking pissed at Light when he killed L.
14. Have you seen all Death Note episodes so far?
Yeah, and read the manga, seen the movies, and read the novels.

15. Have you read all the chapters so far?
16. Do you believe Misa has ADD?
Maybe ADHD. Dunno. She’s smarter than people give her credit for lol. Not that ADD or ADHD affects intelligence (if it did, I might be in trouble –has ADD-), but still.

17. Sub or dub?
Dub. Only because I love the sound of Alessandro Juliani’s beautiful voice (L’s voice actor). Wow. That sounded stalkerish. XD

18. Pro-Misa or Anti-Misa?
I personally like Misa. Well, I didn’t like Misa…

…until I met Takada.
That’s when I realized that Misa wasn’t so bad, after all. ^ ^;
19. Lidner = Near's side or Mello's?
I don’t care all that much about Lidner. Double agent?

20. Do you even know who BB is?
OwO I love BB. <3

21. L = Sexy beast or Ugly nerd?
L=Adorable Panda.

22. Which character would be the best cross dresser?
Mello. Definitely Mello. I thought he was a girl when I first saw him, until I heard his voice.

23. Mikami = Weird or Awesome?
Mikami=Creepy Weirdo (weird in a bad way). –shivers- He freaks me out lol.

24. Which character would be the best OOC?
Which character would be the best out of character? What does this even mean? O-o Which one would be best…not…in character…? Like…huh…? .-.

Light, maybe, if  I’m interpreting the question right. Though I’m not sure I am…
25. Do you like Death Note fanfics?

26. Do you write Death Note fanfics?
Yes. They are very fun to write.
27. Do your parents know about the Death Note characters?
Not really.
28. Have you watched the Death Note Abridged Series?
I’ve watched several lol.

29. Have you seen The Death Note fanflashes?

30. Have you ever gotten someone else hooked on Death Note?
A few people. :D

31. Have you ever been drawing Death Note in school and has someone recognized it?
Lol no, I fail at drawing.

32. Have you ever been in class drawing Death Note and the teacher came up to you and said 'WTF is this?'
(See #31)

33. Has Death Note affected your school life and grades?
Maybe? o-o
34. Are you broke thanks to Death Note?
Lol no. I was broke to begin with. XD

35.Do you want to own a Death Note?
I do…! Just…not a real one. v_v

36. Do you wish the series had ended differently?
I think that it ended well. =]

37. Do you draw Death Note fanart? If so, count how many there are in your gallery?

38. Is Mello still sexy even though half of his face is scarred by burns?
I never really thought of him as sexy… ^ ^; -waits to get attacked by a mob of angry Mello fangirls-
39. Do you have a Death Note OC?

40. Looking back at some of your answers, do you think Death Note has taken over your life?
Hmm…lol, perhaps in some ways. :D XD

Thursday, June 30, 2011

You're Actually Here Of Your Own Free Will? o-0

Well, if that was the case, I sure hope you didn't come here expecting very much. You may be disappointed. A few people on Fanfiction suggested to me that I should make an "official blog" for my FF penname, as a way to keep more organized (with updates, ideas, and such, I'm guessing) and let readers--if desired--follow me online. Personally, I doubt that anyone would actually want to do that. ^ ^; They would most likely get quite bored. 

However!! That brings me to the reason why I'm here. I honestly didn't really plan on following through with their suggestions (see reason for this above), but reality kicked in and I remembered that it is 117 degrees outside, I am on summer vacation, my brother hogs the video games, all my friends are taking fun trips out of state and actually doing interesting things during this vacation, while I sit at home alone, slowly mulling my way through online math summer school, terribly bored. And that, combined with the fact that I actually quite enjoy blogging, is the reason why this blog exists now.

So. Indeed, this is now my official Fanfiction blog.